Friday, August 1, 2008


Ek sien met gemengde gevoelens na Vrydae uit. Vandag was egter redelik. Met my oggendstap kyk ek na die beeste (almal koeie wat nou moet kalf) en daar begin hol hulle almal in 'n rigting. Dit lyk kompleet soos blouwildebees trek op 'n mielie Serengeti. Ek haas my so vinnig as wat my longe toelaat die 400 meter terug woonstel toe sodat ek met die bakkie kan gaan kyk. Kom ek toe daar is daar een koei met "amadlebele inghagha!", en dan wys ek soos 'n visterman hoe lank die ore na my mening was, voor. Die een met die lang ore hol stert in 'n boog getrek, en seker 'n goeie 50 of meer van die trop hardloop heel op hol agterna. ooglopend na niks!! Daar kom seker reen...

Die "amadlebele inghagha!" is Xhosa vir iets soos "ore wat so is!" wat natuurlik met 'n arm of hand verwysing gepaard gaan. (Daar was 'n ou man op ons plaas wat eendag vir my pa so beduie het toe hy moes verduidelik hoe 'n nuwe kalfie lyk.)
Ek hou van die manier van se. Dit hou so aan, net so lank soos daai baster Brahman se ore...lees dit hardop vir jouself dan verstaan jy wat ek bedoel.

Ek het na die bees kyk koffie gaan drink by die plaas kontoor en daarna was dit ek, die besem, 'n ou lap en my vloere. So tussen die pype en drade deur het ek darem die plek so onderlangs skoon gekry. Hier oor die warm deel van die dag hoor mens sulke flou dreunings, dan is dit 'n dwarrelwind wat oor die dak waai en die stof dwars deur die plekkie as die deure of vensters oop staan.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My office

My first office was cramped below a stairwell, the school magazine editor.
My second office was a Nissan 14 bakkie, as a site agent to a construction company.
My third office was a dusty affair with a desk and clock card system.
My fourth office had a view down on the East London CBD.
My fifth office had no view and I shared it with an alarm crazy mainframe.
My sixth office was at the top of Fedsure, Cape Town, a full view of Table Mountain.
My seventh office had no view and no scope either.
My eighth office was also the dining room, lounge and kitchen of our then half built house.
My ninth office was in the top story of that same house with a view of the ocean.
My tenth office I shared with a partner and it had to be move down stairs.
My eleventh office is a hired one...
My twelfth office is here, although my desk is waiting at number 11, so I call this my satellite work station.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


'n kort woordjie tog so kragtig...
Duisternis. En na die woord was daar LIG
Lig is 'n baken, 'n poort, kennis, dit word mag
merk die begin van tyd
iets onuitwisbaar daarmee saam deurvleg
Dit fasineer al eeue heen
Soos motte word mense getrek
As elke mens in duisternis gevange is
'n swart kolk wat om sy kop dreig...
dan swik dit voor Lig
Die Lig bring waarheid, vrede, dit maak vry.
Van die vroegste tye gee dit hoop en bring lewe
As daar lig straal uit die vensters van jou siel
sal almal wat jou sien dit sien.

En jy, jy moet net so bly...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some words on healing

Miracles do happen and so does miracle healings! However, children of God, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as savior, be careful. Let the Spirit of the Lord guide you in this matter and let the truth of the Word be our light on this path.

The truth is that every sick believer will not be healed every time. Sickness and ailing health is often the start of the process of physical death and the door (passage) to be with the Lord eternally. We have to die to enter into heaven as God chose it to be this way. He granted each one of us a predetermined time alive on earth, a time to seek His face and serve Him by serving our neighbor (fellow man).

Very often sickness and poor health is part of a healing process of our souls, for the ultimate sickness is not that of our flesh but of our spirit, mind and soul. The truth is that Jesus died on the cross to save all who believe in Him and to heal them spiritually from this ultimate sickness. Yes, He does also sustain our lives and health to the degree God has determined in His wisdom.

The word teaches that the Lord has counted our hairs, he knows us so intimately and He will not allow one hair to fall away unaccounted for. He does not promise that our hair will not fall. Like wise He does promise health, healing and general well being but He does not say we will not at times experience poor health, sickness and eventually death. He does promise salvation and redemption and freedom from sin and eternal death!!

There are many examples of miracle healings given in the Bible and they are testimonies to the healing power of the Spirit of God. Faith was in each case crucial, some times only the healers faith, sometimes also the faith of the sick or the faith belonging to a third party(friends, a father or mother). Another common factor is words spoken in faith proclaiming healing in the name of Jesus Christ by the person administering(serving). These words are in all the cases spoken with such authority that sickness and in some cases even death had no choice but to depart resulting in health and joy to the sufferer.

This “authority” originates from Jesus himself who received it directly from God the Father. Through Jesus’ command and the Holy spirit this authority was given to Jesus’ followers, to all those who believe in Him and in whom His Spirit dwell.

When people were healed there was no burden subsequent(as a result of) the healing, only joy. In some cases there was animosity from other people, but it could not undo the good that had happened and it could not remove the joy. Yes when Jesus heals a person the healing is complete. No strings attached. There are no have to’s or now you will…’s, there is just pure joy, freedom and thankfulness.

You see Jesus heals, not for gaining anything to Himself, but He heals because He loves, because He knows and understands us, because He cares. It is available for all and it is free!!

Our conviction should be to accept that He (Jesus Christ) can heal any sickness or disease in any body He has chosen. How? Through miracle healing, medicine, doctors or a combination of these. And further that we have to ask (pray) for healing when people are sick also asking for peace, the kind that goes above all understanding, allowing Him to be God and reign over us even if it means remaining sick and dying.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Rook op die Horison

Vrydag middag sien ek die vreemde wolk in in die sekonde wat dit my neem om te besef wat dit is gaan drie goed deur my gedagtes, tornado agtige dwarrelwind, een of ander ontploffing, veldbrand!! Daar is amper altyd wind waar ek vandaan kom en rook sal nie maklik so 'n vorm maak nie. Dit was toe rook en ook 'n voorsmaak van wat sou volg. Saterdag ry ek saam met die Roos gesin om na 'n huis te gaan kyk en skaars by die erf se hek uit toe sien ons dit brand baie naby aan 'n spilpunt land ongestroopte mielies. Ek ry toe saam om die brandslanery te volg...

Later die dag kon ek toekyk hoe daar met die perde gewerk word om hulle voor te berei vir die eerste keer se ry. Dit lyk na 'n redelik spanning volle taak, maar die manne maak mooi vordering en ek sien uit na die eerste ry slag. Hou styf duim vas vir Johan Roos.

Sondag het ek ook my eerste besoekers, anders as die plaas mense en Marlene, ontvang. My oudste broer en sy gesin het hier kom "braai" op my geleende TV braai...Dit was prettig. Ons het so op 'n streep vleis geeet en daarna kon ons darem saam nagereg geniet. Terwyl die laaste ou sy vleisie eet het ek gou vla gemaak en toe eet ons saam warm vla en ingelegte vrugte vir nagereg. Land en sand gesels oor motors en enjins, kinners en vrouens, IK toetse en TOETSE, drome en aspirasies. Die kinders het bietjie met die plaas kinders saam gespeel en tot 'n ent saam met die plaas oom se bakkie gaan ry. Dankie vir die kuier, dit was heerlik!

Vanoggend met my stappie land toe ook 'n foto van die koring geneem. 'n Belofte van oorvloed, groen, wat begin en afgeets teen die droe, goue wereld van leeg gestroopte mielie lande.