Thursday, July 10, 2008

Waar Mishka bly...

Ek ken 'n plek en ken dit goed
waar loeries in die motreen roep.
'n Plek waar beeste rustig wei
en blouvalk op die ooswind ry.

Ek ken 'n plek en ken dit goed
waar fisante soggens uintjies soek,
kalkoene in die lang gras dans
en Seun en Nefie wag op 'n kans.

Ek ken daai plek ek ken dit goed
waar mense onder die bome groet,
'n vuurtjie maak en rustig sit,
saam eet en drink en dut

Ek ken daai plek ek ken dit goed
die eenvoud, die mooi, die goed
en ook die pyn en stilte saam
wie reeds daar was en heen gegaan

As ek kon kies sou jy my daar kry
die plek waar Mishka bly


Today was monthly bloods day and while in town, had the drip site checked. All appeared fine with the drip in spite of slight blood seepage last night. I had it cleaned and closed up with fresh "cling wrap".

While giving the blood samples a man asked if he could pray for me. So there in the national blood service shop in West Gate a couple of people had a prayer session. This man was willing to give of himself to help me in spite of what people may think of him. He was willing to put action to his thoughts and became an instrument in the Lord's hand. I thank the Lord for what He has done through this man.

Antwoord vir Donald:
Die drip pomp (CADD-legacy plus) behoort aan die CF clinic by Johannesburg Hospitaal, dit is baie handig en maak die drip eskapades heelwat makliker. Profalaktiese antibiotica is goed, veral wanneer jou longe aan ernstige bakteriese/ of ander infeksies blootgestel was/is. Ek glo dat jy na Dr Williams kan luister en gaan volgens sy aanbeveling. Ek was so 10 jaar terug by Grote Schuur Hospitaal en wou nie weet van profalaktiese antibiotika nie. Dit mag wees dat as ek destyds daarmee begin het my longe dalk nou in 'n beter toestand kon gewees het.

My broer en skoonsuster se dogtertjie is vandag gebore: Mishka,welkom kleinding en baie geluk broer en sus! Ek hoop om volgende week vir 'n paar uur by julle te kom kuier. Waar Mishka bly...

Vir Ruan: Partykeer laat liewe Jesus toe dat dinge met ons gebeur wat nie lekker is nie. Dan, wanneer Hy die slegte dinge wegvat en Hy ons weer gelukkig en gesond maak, sal almal om ons sien dat Hy baie lief is vir ons en dat Hy die beste is en alles weet.

Vervolg vir Ruan: Wanneer ons werk hier by die mense klaar is kom liewe Jesus ons haal. As ons dan saam met Hom gaan is daar geen meer seer en siekwees of kieme of enige slegte dinge nie. Eendag, eendag gaan ons almal wie Jesus kom haal het saam 'n groot partydjie hou. Ek is baie opgewonde en bly oor daardie partydjie, maar ons moet geduldig wag daarvoor. Ek dink dit gaan beter wees as verjaardag of kersfees of altwee saam!! Hoop ek sien jou gou, liefde Oom Gustav.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Techno Drip

Technologically advanced is the least I can say. I recall visiting Mug&Bean in Killarney Mall in 2007 holding a drip bag above my head with one hand and dragging the oxygen bottle along with the other. Now I have the privilege of a portable oxygenator and a very small and nifty drip pump. My essential life support systems currently part of me and hopefully soon to be redundant. It goes beyond imagination...

The chicken pox have cleared nicely and I just tire a bit easier than before. I have become ostiopenic over the past few years and had to go for a "calcium drip" yesterday. This needs to be repeated every 3 months to ensure that my bones are hard enough. Should I receive lungs there is a real threat of fractures due to the sudden abundance of energy and associated activity.

The third set of sputum samples grew nothing more than normal flora. Three labs and nine sputum samples in total all finding the same nothing! I should mention that I was anointed with oil 3 weeks ago and many people have been praying for my health. Thank you and please continue to do so.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


A fourty day period normally associated with the end of a period like, school or national service, also a period of trial. For me, just the start of a longer period.

How ever long it take...

I watch the sky, I follow the sun

I see the wind, the dust and feel the cold

Daredevils dancing on the emptyness of gold

A landscape framed in winter, given what it can...

I stand and wait, sit and wait, lie down and wait

Some day will come with warmth and moist to be seen

Some day will bring the rain to turn this gold and red to green

A landscape of winter...for spring it can only wait

For life I sit still like death and wait, listening, lingering, waiting

Here in the dark a change will bring life again, hoping, waiting

However long it take...