Saturday, June 21, 2008


I read a book once called " Alone against the Atlantic" based on the true story of a determined man with "half a boat", people joked with him and his self designed and built craft, who challenged the Atlantic Ocean and conquered it single handedly (Later also the Pacific). A remarkable story and achievement. He observed that he started talking to himself in a manner reminding of a lunatic, he had a way with dealing with being alone. He also noted that he had to be careful with how he acted while being by himself. Also the movie "Castaway" with Tom Hanks and Mr Wilson gives a good idea of how most of us need companionship to remain sane.

It is common today that some people who live in modern cities become isolated within their own worlds. Being alone is good at times but can be challenging.

I enjoyed an afternoon and evening of friendship and enjoyable conversation, thank you Willem and Wilma. Julle maak die wag na Marlene se volgende besoek baie draaglik.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Teething Friday

Had to go for a root canal today, and some more dental work on Monday. A healthy mouth is very important in medical procedures of the nature am awaiting.

Probably as important as a healthy mind and tongue in spiritual procedures... Those who pray to God the creator and Father of our saviour Jesus Christ, please pray for two friends of mine. Pray for repentance, sorrow, and a spirit of forgiving and healing, for restoration of relationships in marriage.

Longing home (extract from C liFe by GJO)

Longing home (today was day 14 with 7 to go)

I long to be home, with my dogs and the sea
I long to go farming, to walk, to be me
I miss the sound of birds, barks, dog collars and the phone.
The bleep and the sound of her microwave door

I miss the tickle of her curls in my face
If only I could burry my head near her ear
If only I can reach and touch, feel her here
Trying hard I can imagine that she is near

Here in my room without a view
This room filled with sounds that I did not know
in a corridor of illness, struggles, cares
This room with hope, this room with air

I long to be home, with my dogs and the sea
I long to go farming, to walk, to be me
I miss the sound of birds, barks, dog collars and the phone.
The bleep and the sound of her microwave door

written while being treated at Johannesburg Gen 2007

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sure & unsure

I am sure all people experience times when they reach the "cross road" and stop dead. Those familiar questions: back? forward? left? right? up? other? You choose, forward! And how reassuring when after a short distance you find a "rock" by the side of the road with your name freshly painted on it. I hope I have the time to tell of all the times I have had similar experiences. This is not “déjà vu” I am referring to, no something more like "divine intervention" perhaps. As if some body had gone the road before you and prepared it...

Or sometimes when some "fear" grips you and threatens to drain all life from your body but then a calm settles over you, bringing peace to your mind and comfort to your strained spirit, after a while putting your whole being at ease. A peace that is above all understanding...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Konfyt is soos lag, lekker

'n Afrikaanse beurt, want dis soos jem, ook lekker! Vandag het dit beter met die werk gegaan, ek hou net aan om die suurstof pypie met my ferrari plat te ry elke keer as ek opstaan om koffie te maak. O, julle wonder seker oor beide die pypie en die ferrari. Die pypie is die lang slurp van die kamer na my neus en lewer teen 3l per minuut suurstof na my brein, jammer, my longe. Die "stofsuier" groot grys masjien, pomp dit vir my, oulik is dit nie. My ferrari is die rooi kantoor stoel wat Marlene destyds vir my verjaardag aan my gegee het om my te motifeer om meer by my tafel te sit en werk sodat sy meer fondse tot haar beskikking sou he. Ek dink ek gaan die ferrari stukkend ry hier op kakibosvlakte, want dis omtrent al ding wat ek gery kry. En natuurlik die suurstof pypie omdat hy aanhoudend onder die wiele in neuk. Gelukkig vir hom is hierdie ferrari vir groot mense bedoel, want ek sien al sy wiele is dubbel wiele, nie net die agterstes nie. Watter nou eintlik voor en watter agter is weet geen mens, ewenwel die pypie kry darem elke keer 'n tweede kans want hy glip in die gleufie tussen die twee wiele in dan moet ek omtrent die ferrari op sy dak keer om die slurp "pypie" uit te kry onder die wiele uit. As ek vergeet en ek vlie op, soos nou die dag toe iemand skielik hier aan my deur kom klop, dan skeur die pypie amper my ore van my kop af. Dit werk so: die slurpie "pypie" kom uit my neus en gaan weerskante van my gesig om oor my ore te haak, dan agter ore en af tot onder my ken waar dit weer saam gebind is in een dikker pyp. Van daar af wiele toe, vloerlangs tot by die "stofsuier" groot grys masjien. Dit gebeur ook soms dat ek gebuk staan en dan skielik orent kom en intussen op die pypie gaan staan en trap, met natuurlik soortgelyke gevolge. In die koue is seer ore nie so lekker nie...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Distant Sunday

I attended church today, experiencing a vary caring community. After lunch the walls of my flat started "pressing inward" and I had to escape a while. A drive through the country side and a large piece of chocolate cake improved my feelings toward this captive state I'm in.

The answer to yesterdays question is: The promise of breathing normally, feeling the tingle of oxygen rich blood pumping through an exercised body. The ability to move freely, to perspire as a result of muscles working effortlessly. To have that "swollen thigh" feeling after a hard cycle race. I can recite plenty more...It is so near... Hope will cary me on her wings and I shall hang on waiting for a future, bright like the summer sun.