Thursday, March 25, 2010

a dedication

My friend may you find wings
to fly away to a land far from here
may you never look back and wish
that you were rather here, may you find
a place to rest your soul and may
you find that place soft and warm, a
cradle for your tired being

May your eyes never cry again
and may you see a view worth
waiting for and may your labors
not have been in vain
May you find a soothing song whispered
to the ears of your soul and may
you never again hunger in any way

May all your fears and pain be left
behind in this broken land and the place
you now reside be filled with love
and laughter all around and may you
never be in want of anything ever
again but find that you are now
cared for in a very special way.

dedicated to a friend who suffered from lung cancer 25/03/2010


At May 3, 2010 at 8:58 PM , Blogger Tannie Irma said...

Ons harte is só seer ...
sal so wees wéér en wéér
Jou reis was só kort,
maar daarin het jy alles gestort!
Die verlange sal bly
totdat ons ook eendag
na ons Vader kan gaan ...

"... this is the day that the Lord has made; we wil rejoice and be glad in it."


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