Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some words on healing

Miracles do happen and so does miracle healings! However, children of God, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as savior, be careful. Let the Spirit of the Lord guide you in this matter and let the truth of the Word be our light on this path.

The truth is that every sick believer will not be healed every time. Sickness and ailing health is often the start of the process of physical death and the door (passage) to be with the Lord eternally. We have to die to enter into heaven as God chose it to be this way. He granted each one of us a predetermined time alive on earth, a time to seek His face and serve Him by serving our neighbor (fellow man).

Very often sickness and poor health is part of a healing process of our souls, for the ultimate sickness is not that of our flesh but of our spirit, mind and soul. The truth is that Jesus died on the cross to save all who believe in Him and to heal them spiritually from this ultimate sickness. Yes, He does also sustain our lives and health to the degree God has determined in His wisdom.

The word teaches that the Lord has counted our hairs, he knows us so intimately and He will not allow one hair to fall away unaccounted for. He does not promise that our hair will not fall. Like wise He does promise health, healing and general well being but He does not say we will not at times experience poor health, sickness and eventually death. He does promise salvation and redemption and freedom from sin and eternal death!!

There are many examples of miracle healings given in the Bible and they are testimonies to the healing power of the Spirit of God. Faith was in each case crucial, some times only the healers faith, sometimes also the faith of the sick or the faith belonging to a third party(friends, a father or mother). Another common factor is words spoken in faith proclaiming healing in the name of Jesus Christ by the person administering(serving). These words are in all the cases spoken with such authority that sickness and in some cases even death had no choice but to depart resulting in health and joy to the sufferer.

This “authority” originates from Jesus himself who received it directly from God the Father. Through Jesus’ command and the Holy spirit this authority was given to Jesus’ followers, to all those who believe in Him and in whom His Spirit dwell.

When people were healed there was no burden subsequent(as a result of) the healing, only joy. In some cases there was animosity from other people, but it could not undo the good that had happened and it could not remove the joy. Yes when Jesus heals a person the healing is complete. No strings attached. There are no have to’s or now you will…’s, there is just pure joy, freedom and thankfulness.

You see Jesus heals, not for gaining anything to Himself, but He heals because He loves, because He knows and understands us, because He cares. It is available for all and it is free!!

Our conviction should be to accept that He (Jesus Christ) can heal any sickness or disease in any body He has chosen. How? Through miracle healing, medicine, doctors or a combination of these. And further that we have to ask (pray) for healing when people are sick also asking for peace, the kind that goes above all understanding, allowing Him to be God and reign over us even if it means remaining sick and dying.


At July 30, 2008 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Tannie Irma said...

Jes. 66:13
"Soos 'n moeder haar kind laat veilig voel, so laat Ek julle veilig voel."
Is dit nie 'n wonderlik dat ons so veilig by God kan voel nie? Dit gee ons daardie groot Vrede wat alle verstand te bowe gaan.

Gelukkig begin die weer so effens te draai alhoewel dit nog nie "warm" is nie, kom mens dit elke dag in die natuur agter.

Ons walvisse is hier, baie, maar hulle hou hul nog sku. Sal vir jou prentjies neem. Ek weet net nie hoe ek hulle hier gaan aflaai nie. Sal vir jou moet epos!

Ons almal hier uit die "ouetehuis"


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