Thursday, July 31, 2008

My office

My first office was cramped below a stairwell, the school magazine editor.
My second office was a Nissan 14 bakkie, as a site agent to a construction company.
My third office was a dusty affair with a desk and clock card system.
My fourth office had a view down on the East London CBD.
My fifth office had no view and I shared it with an alarm crazy mainframe.
My sixth office was at the top of Fedsure, Cape Town, a full view of Table Mountain.
My seventh office had no view and no scope either.
My eighth office was also the dining room, lounge and kitchen of our then half built house.
My ninth office was in the top story of that same house with a view of the ocean.
My tenth office I shared with a partner and it had to be move down stairs.
My eleventh office is a hired one...
My twelfth office is here, although my desk is waiting at number 11, so I call this my satellite work station.


At August 1, 2008 at 6:05 PM , Blogger Dewald, Valerie, Lizette and Jessica said...

Hallo Gussie
(Hierdie naam word uitgespreek : ghoessie soos in "dit gan nie te woessie!!")
Ek dink ek wil van nou af bid vir jou nuwe kantoor soos nr9 !! Ek dink 'n mens sal baie beter kan visvang as jy die see die hele tyd sien en kan besluit wanneer is dit reg!
Ag, ek dink ek mis jou nou genoeg. Ek bid meer vir jou 100% longe!!
Dit gaan OK met Duka. Ons is nou op sy laagste kortisoon dosis en maak DV more klaar. Ek het nou solank begin met die arthiritis (?) pille en het ook 'n webbladsy van 'n veearts gekry met inligting -


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