Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What are the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis?

What are the symptoms of CF?
How does one make a list of symptoms and remain sounding positive or not like complaining? With difficulty, so please understand that I am just trying to give an insight to those people interested in knowing what CF is like. Also I have not experience all of these symptoms but most of them and by grace only for relative short periods (weeks to months) of time. So here goes, naming some off the cuff (I have not done any research):

Salt on the skin, taste it shortly after birth.
Slow growth in childhood.
Persistent coughing
Sinus infections
Inability to digest certain foods like proteins and fats
Foul smelling poop and gas
Oily poop, don’t you dare gas man!
Bowel cramps, no sorry, bowel CRAMPS
Odd looking fingers and toes called clubbing or “clubbed fingers”
A constant foul smell due to airway infection
Throat clearing
Poor muscle development
Pancreatic failure
Blurred eyes
Constant need to urinate
Low bone density may cause easier fractures
Intestinal obstruction
Blood in phlegm
Haemoptysis (Blood vessels bursting in the lungs, similar like Pierre Spies experienced)
Pneumo Thorax, punctured lung leaking air (and what not all) into chest cavity.
Short of breath
Sleep deprivation
Restricted and or contracted airways
Radically reduced blood oxygen levels
Radically increased heart rate body attempting compensating for the above
Heart strain and eventual failure
Fluid retention, swelling on ankles etc, symptoms of above occurring
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) buildup in brain (a killer) causing TREMENDOUS headaches
Back ache and limb pains associated muscle pains
Slowed reaction and movement when oxygen levels are low
Emotional stress due to circumstances
Psychological impacts
Interpersonal relational impacts
Affects the ability to earn your keep
Practically impossible to get life cover (Insurance)

That’s enough…I still smile when I open my eyes in the morning and grace is bestowed because these seldom occur all at once, but they do at times and can, and can then result in a final battle.


At June 26, 2008 at 9:09 AM , Blogger Tannie Irma said...

Hi Gustav

Wil jy nie die CF voluit spel nie en sê wat die eintlik is nie. Jy het nou al die menigte newe effekte gegee. Ek het vir so baie jou blog adres gegee ... sodat die gebedsketting net groter kan wees ... dan hoof ek nie alles te "probeer" verduidelik nie.

Dis naweek!! Het jy iets ekstra waarna jy uitsien die naweek?????

Thanx vir bogenoemde inligting.
Tannie Irma

At June 26, 2008 at 11:04 AM , Blogger Tannie Irma said...

Hi Gustav
Jy moet sê as ek net moet "shurrup" op dié ruimte van jou! Ek lees net-nou die volgende in 'n boek:

Beskou jou innerlike wêreld as 'n akker waarop al jou gedagtes sal ontkiem. As die vrugte van so 'n aard is dat jy dit liewer nie wil oes nie, moet jy die slegte saadjies uitroei en met beteres vervang. Voor jy jou kom kry, is 'n woesteny vol doringrige struikgewasse in 'n pratige lushof omskep!

Mooi ne? ... en tog so waar. Ons bid dat al jou gedagtes net mooi en positief sal bly! Ons kuier graag in jou "lushof" wanneer jy weer gesond is. Oom Jaco soek gedurig in die snobbisties dorp 'n hengel-maat.
Ou tannie Irma

At June 26, 2008 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Alice Vogt said...

Hey Gustav!!! Nie geweet jy't 'n blog nie! Dr Williams het my vandag gesé jy sien hom vandag... Gan jou nou behoorlike e-mail stuur!!


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