Thursday, June 26, 2008

One mother of a city

Today I drove to Mill Park Hospital using the M5 from Diepsloot to Judith Avenue, a very impressive route as it only requires 4 turns from the N14 including the turn to get off the N14! Near a place called Honeydew the road climbed up a hill and from the crest I could see the CBD lurking just beyond the Horizon. I could pick out significant landmarks and at that distance could clearly see that massive grey block, the Johannesburg General Hospital.

Coming from a place called Gonubie, with a population of probably just over 12000 people the only thought in my mind on that hill in Honeydew was "this is one mother of a city!" Back home the people enjoy a quick cycle and then manage to do the full loop around town and be back for early breakfast! They even have two signalised intersections back home!

Having seen Dr Williams and all tests done, we are once again back on the wait patiently track...


At June 27, 2008 at 10:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all waiting with you so don't feel alone and hang in there!!!

"Dit is nie aan die mens self te danke dat hy kan eet en drink en onder al sy arbeid nog die goeie kan geniet nie. Ek het ingesien dat dit 'n gawe uit die hand van God is. Wie kan eet, wie kan geniet as Hy dit nie moontlik maak nie?" Prediker 2:24-25


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